Solar for Commercial, Industrial, Small business ,Schools, Colleges and Universities Solar Projects


More & More businesses are turning to solar energy as a way to manage cost.

Commercial solar makes great business sense. You can lower your current operating expenses and provide peace of mind against rising energy costs, and tap into the growing customer base that look for environmentally responsible vendors that are focused on sustainable energy strategies.

With recent decreases in solar equipment prices make the investment in solar power a good financial decision for businesses. An investment in solar power can generate quick payback as well as long term savings.

Advantages of solar for business

Reduce operating costs – A solar power system can reduce or eliminate your business’s electric bill.

Protect against changing utility rates– As demand for energy rises and non-renewable resource pools shrink, the cost of energy goes up and events beyond your control can cause sudden short term spikes in energy prices, putting unnecessary stress on your business. Installing  your own solar power can reduce or eliminate your exposure to rising electric rates.

Becomes a green business 

Generatng electricity form solar energy means your company uses less fossil fuel, reducing pollution and green house gas emissions. By switching to solar power your company does its part to fight climate change and to reduce our county’s dependence of foreign energy sources. But the benefits go further being a sustainable cannot only reduce your operating costs, but can also be a positive public relations and marketing tools. Research shows that a growing number of consumers make their buying decisions based on companies environmental policy.

At Concept Solar Energy we understand the frustration that accompanies high energy costs. We are happy to provide solutions to our clients that are interested in reversing their utility bills within green savings and credits from renewable solar energy. We provide full time of services for business and industrial clients and understand the complexities of system integration that can affect your business.